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Hannah Darvas

💗 Hannah Darvas is recognised for being a positive mental health spokesperson and inspires over 16,000 people daily on her Instagram. 🌷 (@hannahdarvas)

'I think self love is something a lot of us talk about, but not many of us have it. Perhaps a pretty weird concept for some of you who have had a pretty awful relationship with yourself for sometime; myself included. What I've realised is that this relationship doesn't change overnight, but it can certainly evolve quite quickly if you're moving in the right direction. Valuing ourselves on our outer image is something quite fickle and unfulfilling. I don't know about you, but the way I see myself changes on a daily basis - in different lighting and definitely in different clothing. So even with the best will in the world, self love 24/7 - if solely based on our looks - is probably pretty hard to acquire. So in my own little quest, I’ve started to see myself for my other qualities. The fact that I love to learn, I’m dedicated and passionate, a great friend, I can - on a good day - walk for miles, dance like a crazy person and have had the guts and conviction to tackle life head on despite a sometimes uphill mental battle. The more I focus on who I am, rather than who I am not. And the more I embrace and share my truth, the happier and healthier I become within myself. Bad moments and all. When I see a picture of me now, I don’t see the things that I’d like to change but instead the world of ideas that go on behind my smile. You're perfect as you are, and sometimes this just comes down to your attitude.'

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