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Moira, Founder and Creator of Pink Noise Zine

I started Pink Noise Zine 3 years ago. It started purely as a passion project but also as a means of motivation. I’ve struggled with my mental health and self confidence for a long time now but have slowly been able to build up my self esteem through this project.

A couple of years ago I was avoiding social situations and was mortified by the way I looked - I was crippled with anxiety and my body confidence was at rock bottom. Being able to have a personal project that I cared about so much allowed me to put all that negative energy into something else and meant that I was able to surround myself with people with the same interests and a lot of strong amazing women. I have heard some crazy stories from women who are super confident in themselves, who have experienced sexism in the music industry, or who have no confidence in themselves or what they want to do. Engaging with these women has been really educational and empowering for me.

However, there are also downsides to these kind of projects. As Pink Noise has become increasingly successful, I have at times become overwhelmed with the amount of attention that it has received - I struggle with this still and it can be really tough to manage. Having a self-run project can be very rewarding but also highly stressful at times. I manage and cope with this by allowing time for me to do things which I enjoy, not overloading myself with tasks and I have also learned that its very important to sometimes take a step back from everything and allow yourself space. I still have a long way to go, but having a project which I love and which brings really amazing people into my life, has definitely been a huge self-confidence builder and allowed me to practice self-care and grow in myself.

PINK NOISE ZINE is a self-funded project which celebrates the diversity of women within the electronic music industry. You can check them out here:



Instagram: @pinknoisezine


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